Friday, May 8, 2009


My little boy Logan- he's so cute and loveable. I figured out the way to send pictures from my blackberry to this blog. It's pretty darn easy! I'll be using my phone more often to take pics now!


  1. If I ever get my blog going ---- you will have to help me do all the "cool" things you have learned!

  2. No prob. Will do the best I can if you can be a good student! LOL

  3. You can probably teach me some things too. I just muddle through!!

  4. Thanks about the comment on Logan! He knows he's cute too! I'm gonna post pics of my other shih's soon! They are just as cute. And, I certainly will try to help out w/blogging! Mamere prob. knows more than I do, I muddle through too, with determination to make it easiser for me b/c I am so LAZY!
